(Hover over and click on images below for more information.)
Webstores and NFTs
Spotted Peccary Music is thrilled to announce the 20th anniversary release of TIBET by Deborah Martin and Cheryl Gallagher, completely remastered and remixed for Dolby Atmos and Spatial audio, finally presenting this masterful work as it was originally envisioned - a total immersive experience of being in the land above the clouds.
This richly textured musical sojourn beautifully inspires through the blending of electronic and acoustic instruments with traditional Tibetan percussion, instruments, and actual on-site recordings of sounds and prayers intoned by the peoples indigenous to that geographic region.
Available in Softcover and Digital editions
This is a portfolio of some of the creative works of Madhavi Devi (aka Cheryl Gallagher) between the years 2014 and mid 2024.
Born in the mid 20th century, Madhavi grew up and lived during times of tremendous technological growth, sociological change and economic upheaval. She bridges the span between old structures and new ways of being by transcending the limits of artistic and musical forms with her blending of classical and modern (for her era) creative styles and methods..
TO THE MOON! A version of this book "Madhavi Unchained" with all its art has been digitized and uploaded into an innovative lunar time capsule, which contains a compilation of human knowledge, culture, arts, innovations and important records from contributors around the world.
Lyre, Lyre, Pants on Fyre is a beautiful and easy songbook for Lyre and Harp players, suitable for beginners to more advanced players, 13 well-loved music pieces for every occasion, each page decorated lavishly with the mystical and lovely art of musician and artist Madhavi Devi.
Looking for something extraordinary and special?
Madhavi's art and music is available in several locations here... traditional prints and canvasses, as custom artwear and home decor designs , and
NEW 3-D fractal and Space Art NFT's!
Please contact me directly using the CONTACT page to inquire about art commissions, private classes, exhibits or appearances.
For MADHAVI DEVI brand cotton sportwear, home goods and accessories go HERE to my Spring store! MadhaviDeviSpaceMavenArts
"Multiverse Moons" watermark-free,
Space Art by Madhavi (SpaceMaven) on Spaceibles.com, specializing in excellent collectible Space Art NFT's. Click HERE